Elena Solnoshenko
Детская Танзания (2019)
Идеальное путешествие во всех смыслах! Благодарю наших проводников и попутчиков! Я сохранила массу прекрасных воспоминаний и даже мой утонувший в бассейне Айфон неожиданно ожил и работает без сбоев.

Лиана Жданова
Танзания миграция (2020)
В этот последний день нашего путешествия, я хочу поблагодарить всю команду PaganelStudio за организацию тура! Юлечка, спасибо Вам , что так тщательно нас готовили к поездке, спасибо Борису что был нашим гидом, советчиком, помощником, другом, спасибо всей группе за прекрасную компанию! Я нам всем желаю ещё много путешествий и открытий, крепкого здоровья и успеха в бизнесе!

Anna Galaeva
Танзания миграция (2020)
Very hard to write this post, because it's really impossible to describe and express the significance of the experience I just had - an impromptu trip to Tanzania (Tarangire, Ngorongoro, Serengeti, Lake Victoria) and Zanzibar with a stopover in Turkey (Cappadocia) on a way back. And last but not least I want to give a huge credit to Paganel Studio company, who worked so hard to find and keep this "door to summer" open, the guide Boris Shulman who shared his love for this country, helped us to discover it, and introduced us to great local people, the coordinator Юлия Светлова who worked so hard trying to solve complicated logistics puzzles, making awesome upgrades, providing us with a lot of important information. It was only 10 of us including the guide (usually 24), and I can't express how grateful I am for the fact that trip materialized! Feel really sad for people who have to buy tickets to "fly to nowhere", when some doors are still open or opening up. Yes there is an extra risk, and risk management is being done on both sides - countries and places who decided to stay open or opening up, trying to go back to normal, and people visiting, respecting new rules, but nobody promised us a risk free life (and those folks in Africa facing every day risks of yellow fever, malaria, bacterias, and just the way the life is over there know it pretty well). With technology advancing some known risks are being eliminated (like cars that use automatic brakes or warning about cars in a blind spot), while some new risks from the nature emerge. Can't control everything, but evaluating, managing and making decisions if it's worth it is a personal choice.