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Climbing Kilimanjaro





Victoria Vlasenko



12 days

17.11.2025 — 28.11.2025

Climbing Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa and one of the highest peaks in the world, which adventurers can climb with an experienced instructor without any special mountaineering training.

Kilimanjaro, one of the "Seven Summits" is the highest freestanding mountain and one of the largest volcanoes in the world - almost 6 kilometers (5895m) of stunning beauty. On the way to the top, a most picturesque trek to the assault camp awaits us. And you have the opportunity to do THIS!

Our team has conducted expeditions to Kilimanjaro several dozen times and ALL of them were successful climbs.

Our guides have been to the top of Kilimanjaro more than 50 times and led more than 600 climbers there!

Our local team of guides, sherpas, and cooks who will work with you is considered one of the best in Tanzania, and a great team, as we know, is the key to success!

All you need to do is physically prepare for the climb!
Have the right fighting spirit and faith that YOU can do it. We will help you with the rest!

We will visit two National Parks, which will give us an almost complete picture of the diversity of the animal world of the African continent.

Tarangire National Park - without visiting it, you will never understand the real Africa. The unique landscape of the savannah with umbrella acacias and mighty baobab trees forms the background for equally mighty herds of elephants. If you have ever seen Africa in a dream, this is probably it! 

Ngoro-Ngoro National Park is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In our opinion, this is the most “safari” of all existing “safaris”, not to mention the fact that this is the birthplace of the word and concept itself! This is a caldera that resulted from the explosion of a huge ancient volcano, its depth is 610 meters, its diameter is about 20 km, and its area is 260 square km. Ngoro Ngoro National Park is one of the most densely populated parks in Africa.

30 thousand ungulates, up to a hundred lions, and more than 30 black rhinoceroses live here. There is an excellent opportunity to observe herds of zebras, Thompson's gazelles, Grant's gazelles, wildebeest and eland, buffalo, warthogs, jackals, hyenas, lions, elephants and many other wild animals.


All this creates the impression of the Great Migration at any time of the year. It should be noted that most of the animals are “captives” of the 600-meter rocks surrounding the flat bottom of the caldera and never get out of it...

Zanzibar is our beloved Chunga Changa island, an archipelago located in the Indian Ocean, just 35 km from the east coast of Tanzania. The archipelago consists of several islands: in fact, the island of Zanzibar, the island of Pemba and about 50 other small islands in the neighborhood.

More than half of the island of Zanzibar is occupied by plantations of cloves, cinnamon and other spices, which is why the well-known so-called “spice tour” arose. Yet, the main asset of the island is coconut palms, a blue transparent milky-warm ocean and snow-white sandy beaches with coral reefs. If there is a piece of paradise in the world, it is here. Zanzibar's waters offer amazing and varied fishing.

You can scuba dive or snorkel. We will definitely take a walk around Stone Town in the evening, visit the house where the legendary Freddie Mercury was born and photograph the famous Zanzibar sunset. We will drink a ton of cocktails and fresh juices. All this will make an active holiday in Zanzibar an unforgettable experience!


Expedition leader, route developer



Cost of participation in the expedition:  euros

Cost of participation in a holiday on the island of Zanzibar:  euros

Country: Tanzania

Type of holiday: Mountain trekking, climbing, jeep safari, beach holiday



- services mountain guides “Paganel Studio”;

- all necessary transfers on the route (if you arrive and depart on dates in strict accordance with our travel program);

- rental of expedition safari jeeps;

- fuel, services of drivers, local guides during the safari;

- entrance tickets to Ngoro Ngoro National Park;

- entrance tickets to Tarangire National Park;

- accommodation in hotels and safari camps according to the program;

- accommodation in mountain shelters during ascent;

- meals during your stay in hotels in Moshi (breakfast);

- meals (full board) during the ascent;

- food on safari, 3 times a day;

- services of local guides and cooks during the ascent;

- porter services at the rate of 15 kg. for one person;

- group equipment and first aid kit;

Visas: for citizens of Ukraine, a visa is issued upon arrival, the cost is $50


Prevention against malaria: we strongly recommend taking prophylactic medications. We prefer fansidar and its analogues. The usual dose for adults is 1 tablet once a week. You need to start taking the drug 1 week before your trip. Continue to take it every week during your stay in Africa. Continue taking it for a week after your return.


All expedition participants must be in normal physical shape. The concept of “good physical shape” means that a person is physically healthy, has no medical contraindications to climbing, and leads an active lifestyle. Can walk 20 km over rough terrain during a walking day.


To exchange for local currency, take bills of 50 and 100 $, there should be a little small bills of 5-10 dollars for tips and souvenirs. All dollars must have an issue date no earlier than 2009.

Questions about equipment, training, and other organizational issues will be sent in an information letter.


The senior guide of the Paganel Studio expedition reserves the right to exclude you from further movement along the route in the event of: - acute manifestation of mountain sickness; - your alcohol abuse; - other situations that are potentially dangerous for you or other members of the group.


Due to the fact that our expeditions do not include international flights to the starting point of the program, we cannot be held responsible for changes in flight conditions by airlines or airport requirements. Since our travelers fly from many different countries and cities, we never participate in the purchase of air travel and limit ourselves exclusively to advisory services in the selection of flights. Air agents or airlines from which tickets were purchased are responsible for the purchase and technical support.


Day 1

Arrival at Kilimanjaro International Airport. Approximately 1 hour of visa formalities. Transfer to Arusha (an hour and a half) and check-in at the hotel. Rest after the flight.

We advise to arrive at Kilimanjaro before 14.00. If you have a late arrival, it is better to arrive a day earlier to take a break from the flight. After all, the next day we will have a rich safari program with an early departure. We came, among other things, to see elephants and lions, and not to dream about them.

Day 2

After breakfast, we board the safari jeeps and move to Tarangire National Park, famous for its epic African landscape. Transfer about 2 hours.

Today our minimum plan is antelopes, zebras and herds of elephants against the backdrop of baobab trees!

Although a safari is like fishing - you can catch a lot of incredible adventures. On the way to the overnight stay, after the safari, visit the village of the Maasai tribe, warlike pastoralists of the African savannas.

Here we will dance a little, jump around, and meet representatives of an interesting African tribe.

Overnight at a safari lodge aboard the Great Rift of Africa. Over dinner we will all get to know each other, everyone will tell us a little about himself or herself, and we will give everyone personalized T-shirts and badges that were created specifically for our adventure. (meals: breakfast, lunch pack and dinner included)

Day 3

After an early breakfast, we leave for the most famous nature reserve in the world – Ngoro-Ngoro. Safari day at the Ngoro-Ngoro National Game Reserve in the crater. Lunch bags are provided.

This is one of the best safari experiences in the world. Greater chances of seeing lions and hyenas, elephants, ungulates and birds in abundance, less chance of rhinoceroses and very little chance of leopard.

The very view of the huge caldera is awe-inspiring, and the number of antelopes, zebras and buffalos gives the impression of the Great Animal Migration at any time of the year.

After lunch in the crater, transfer to the city of Moshi for about 5-7 hours - the base city for climbing Kilimanjaro along the routes Marangu, Machame, Umbwe, Shira. Repacking things. We will leave everything that we do not need during the climbing for storage at the hotel. Overnight at the hotel.


(meals: breakfast and lunch pack included)

Day 4

Breakfast. We deposit excess luggage that we do not need on the mountain in our hotel storage room. We load onto the bus and leave for the starting point of the route. The journey takes about 1.5 hours. Registration of the group at the gates of the Kilimanjaro Marangu National Park (1800m).

Start of the climb to Kili. Trust our experience (dozens of successful ascents with groups specifically on Kili) - this is the most convenient and logical path to the top, giving the maximum chance of climbing in any weather.

This is the only route out of six, equipped with huts and shelters, which significantly improve the quality of rest after days of walking, and, therefore, the reserve of strength during the assault on the summit.

The climb from the park gate through the wet jungle zone to the Mandara Hut camp (2800m) takes about 4-5 hours. Along the way we take a lot of photographs of the beautiful forest and stop for lunch. After a safari in Ngoro-Ngoro at 2500m, the altitude of spending the night in the Mandara camp is perfectly accepted by the body. Today you can enjoy the nature of the tropical rainforest.

Overnight in mountain shelter houses for several people. This is the only camp on the mountain, located in a forest area surrounded by mighty tropical trees.


(meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner included)

Day 5

Ascent to Horombo camp (3730m, 6-8 hours of walking). The trail first passes through the “bush” area - bushes, then, closer to the shelter, alpine meadows begin, overgrown with giant lobelias.

The road is incredibly beautiful! There is no need to rush - you need to take pictures and admire the views.

We walk along a gentle lava flow with views in all directions, including one of the best views of the main peak of Kili Cone Kibo and its “neighbor” - the rocky peak of Mawenzi.

The camp also has majestic views of the Kilimanjaro boulder with arrows of glaciers.

After rest, you can take a light acclimatization walk. Overnight in cozy mountain huts.

(meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner included)

Day 6

Today we dedicate ourselves to mountain acclimatization. We will make a three-hour acclimatization trip and climb to the Zebra Rocks, intricately colored with salt streaks.

Lifting height up to 4200m. At the very top, on a pass overlooking the Kibo cone and the second peak of Kilimanjaro Mawenzi, we will relax and drink tea while spending time at altitude.

We go down to the same camp - Horombo.

After lunch, rest and check things for the assault exit. This our second night at 3700m is very important for good adaptation at altitude.

(meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner included)

Day 7

The transition to the Kibo Hut assault camp (4730m) takes about 5 hours.

An hour after the start we leave for the mountain desert area.

It can be cold, the camp is located on a high, uncomfortable lava tongue. After lunch and rest, depending on the weather and the condition of the participants, we make an acclimatization hike 250-300 meters above the camp.

At 4-5 pm, after checking our equipment, dinner and rest before the ascent. Despite the early hour, it is very important to try to sleep.

(meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner included)

Day 8

At 11:30 pm we gather in the wardroom for a light breakfast. After all, you need to spend up to 12 walking hours on the mountain.

Be sure to take some of your favorite pocket food (dried fruits, chocolate and nuts) from home for the assault night.

The assault from the Kibo camp begins at midnight. The average time to get to the top is about 8-9 hours.

By dawn, we are on the “Roof” of Africa - Uhuru Peak (5895m), the highest point of Kilimanjaro and all of Africa.

The joy of victory, tears of happiness and hugs! Uhuru translated from Swahili means Freedom, Independence.

Below us there are the clouds and the entire African continent.

Half an hour for photo and video shooting and then a descent to Kibo Hut (about 3 hours).

In Kibo, rest, “breakfast” and further down to the Horombo shelter at an altitude of 3700m. We go down to thick air, sweet sleep and delicious food. You cannot imagine how these simple and familiar things will delight you in the evening. Overnight is at Horombo Hut.

(meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner included)

Day 9

Early rise. Light breakfast. We will spend about 5-6 hours descending to the Marangu gate. Steeply down, along a well-equipped path among the wonderful beauty of the tropical jungle.

 Climatic zones change like in a kaleidoscope.

We will stop at Mandara camp for a solid breakfast. Often here in the forest surrounding the shelter we meet black and white colobus monkeys and blue monkeys - unusually cute monkeys.Further descent and registration of certificates for climbing Kilimanjaro.

Transfer to Moshi (about 1.5 hour). Shower and repack luggage at the hotel where we started. We will reserve rooms for you in advance for this purpose. Lunch. Transfer to Kilimanjaro airport. You can end your trip here and fly home, or continue it with us during a holiday in Zanzibar.

Flight to Zanzibar Island. A short transfer and we are at the Tembo Hotel.

One of the best hotels in Stone Town is the capital of the island.

(meals: breakfast included)

Day 10

After breakfast, our day is dedicated to Stone Town. We will touch the unique charm of Swahili, go to the house of the great Mercury, take photographs of people and the sea, admire the famous sunset, and drink some delicious juices. A special thrill is shopping in Stone Town.

Having walked around a lot, we move to the southern part of the island, to a hotel on the ocean shore.

In addition to all the delights of Zanzibar, we also have cozy rooms on the shore, an excellent swimming pool, and our own fish market not far from the hotel.

We will only eat fish and seafood that we caught or straight from the sea from fishermen, and the best piña colada in the world.


(meals: breakfast included)

Day 11

Active or leisure holiday in Zanzibar.

You can go on a boat for a picnic to one of the neighboring islands: dolphins, turtles and other sea life, the romance of a boat trip and the romance of a desert island.

If desired, you can organize diving, excursions, exciting fishing, or just lie on the white sand and enjoy the turquoise sea.

(meals: breakfast included)

Day 12

Active or leisure holiday in Zanzibar. Last day on the island. We finish our fish, drink our piña and take doses of the ocean's salty wind and warm blue water.

If desired, you can organize snorkeling, excursions, exciting fishing, or just lie on the white sand. In the afternoon, flight home.


(meals: breakfast included)


We are unique

For many years, we have been traveling the world to our small planet's most remote and unusual places.  We do not use the services of domestic travel agencies.  The trips we invent and carry out are always unique and have their unique zest, charm, and adventurous spirit.


The first thing that interests us is creativity in everything.  During the expeditions, we shoot a lot of videos, take pictures, write stories, draw pictures.  If you are interested in a creative approach to life and travel, then WELCOME... we are very happy to meet you!



By joining our team, you join a kind of club family, which already consists of several hundred people who are interested in discovering the world with us.

Since most of the expenses for organizing a trip  – air tickets and travel documents for other modes of transportation, accommodation, excursions, services of local companies and guides, etc. – are made by us in advance, long before the trip, the prepayment or payment for the trip is non-refundable in the event of cancellation.


Since most of the expenses for the organization of the trip are air tickets and travel documents for other types of transport, accommodation, excursions, services of local companies and guides, etc. are not refundable in case of your cancellation of the trip. We simply have no way to return it.

Please note that this itinerary is tentative. The weather always has the last word. The itinerary is designed to allow sufficient time at the end of the Expedition in case of any weather-related delays. If necessary, the captain can change the expedition route depending on external conditions!

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