Colorlessness and sharpness of lines,
The cruelty of cold and winds,
The crack of icebergs and the cry of penguins
Silence and eternity of ice
And how can I tell you about the tropical garden
About slender palm trees, about the smell of unimaginable herbs.
are you crying Listen... Far away on Lake Chad
A graceful roaming giraffe
Have you seen the sea
when the sails are frozen
and the sky in spring peace
and the waves are solid dew?
He definitely won't believe the tears.
Do not cry and do not believe, do not ask and do not be afraid.
With an enlightened soul, open up to New York.
It will also open in front of you like Sesame
Soaring in the smoke of mountain breath
You take many forms
Abandoned but blessed for centuries.
Faithful to the Machu Picchu sun
В краях полуденных остался далеко,
Мой континент, окутанный мечтами,
Где Южный Крест на небе высоко
Сияет ярко темными ночами
They were proud, straightforward, gloomy,
showed off in outfits made of colored feathers.
Where are Atahualpa and Moctezuma?
We whites should learn from them now.
You, Asia, the motherland of the motherland!
A place of mountains and deserts...
Nothing like the previous one
Your air is fiery and blue.
Venice - the palace of the astral worlds...
Abode for gulvis and poets...
Winged lion, gondolas, vaporetto.
A magical city among crystal waters