Journalist, camera operator and photographer
Evgeny Rafalovskyi

I started my career as a professional traveler with an argument. I wanted to prove to my friend that I would conquer Kilimanjaro. As a result, I conquered the three highest peaks in Africa on my first trip, for which I was included in the Book of Records of Ukraine. I think that there are thriller countries - these are Zimbabwe, Zambia, Brazil, there are adventure ones - like Peru and India, and there are complete fantasy - these are Namibia, Bolivia and Argentina. On expeditions, I live a different, richer and brighter life. After all, to live means to travel!
Number of countries visited: 25
My credo, motto:
Only during journeys we get to know ourselves...
If you are afraid, do not do it, and if you do, do not be afraid of anything!
Categories: Active recreation, Adventure, Expedition
Africa: Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia;
South America: Bolivia, Peru, Brazil, Argentina; Chile
Asia: China, India, Cambodia.
First independent trip
It was my first trip abroad. I argued with a friend for five cakes that it is possible to conquer Kilimanjaro without any experience and not only ... As a result, in 50 days of staying in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, I conquered Kilimanjaro (Peak Uhuru), Mount Kenya (Peak Point Lenana) and Ruwenzori Moon Mountains (Marguerite Peak). Thanks to climbing the highest peaks of Africa - more than 5,000 m, made during one trip, I got into the Book of Records of Ukraine. At the same time, I crossed Lake Victoria, visited the sources of the Nile, stayed with the Maasai, and I don't even count the national parks I visited. Africa is simply beautiful, and feelings and emotions were strong and vivid, like first love.