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Calendar of expeditions 2025

Hi! Here is our trip calendar for 2025. 
We've been planning our Paganel Travel schedules for 12 years already.  Today it looks not the way it use to be previously. But we believe we will soon turn back to our usual amount about 40 trips a year.

How does the Calendar work:
Under each mark, you can dive into a detailed program description of the expedition, and if you decide to join, please, fill out the application form at the beginning of the page.

Be sure to check whether your phone number (with the country code) and email are written correct, because this is the only way we can contact you.
* Please note our company does not accept applications from individuals from the Russian Federation, because we have an unambiguous position about the actions of the aggressor country.

mark-47 (13).png

× completed


× completed

mark-47 (44).png

× group is full

mark-47 (50).png

✓ last places

mark-47 (22).png

✓ there are places

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✓ there are places

mark-47 (30).png

✓ last places

mark-47 (1).png

✓ there are places

mark-47 (19).png

✓ there are places


✓ there are places


wish list

mark-47 (25).png

× completed

mark-47 (32).png

× completed

mark-09 (9).png

× group is full


✓ there are places

mark-09 (10).png

✓ there are places

mark-09 (11).png

✓ last places

mark-47 (3).png

✓ 1 male place

mark-09 (13).png

✓ there are places

mark-47 (31).png

✓ there are places

mark-48 (1).png

✓ last places

mark-47 (14).png

× completed

mark-47 (46).png

× group is full

mark-48 (2).png

× group is full

mark-47 (29).png

✓ last places

mark-47 (34).png

✓ last places


✓ there are places

mark-47 (6).png

× wish list


× group is full

mark-47 (1).png

× wish list

mark-09 (3).png

✓ there are places

mark-48 (2).png

× group is full

mark-47 (15).png

× group is full

mark-09 (2).png

✓ last places

mark-47 (36).png

✓ there are places

mark-47 (5).png

✓ there are places

mark-09 (12).png

✓ 1 place

mark-48 (9).png

✓ 1 male place

mark-48 (10).png

✓ there are places

mark-47 (4).png

✓ there are places

mark-09 (9).png

✓ there are places

If there were not enough places in the group for you, or you would like to join the trip next year - fill out the form under the last stamp - Wish List. Do not forget to indicate in the comments which trip you plan to go on with us. When the time comes, we will write to you that we are ready to make your dream come true!

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Cherish Life! Love! Travel!

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